Kehidupan memanglah tak pernah lepas dari beberapa masalah, karena didunia ini terdapat asam manis kehidupan yg mau tak mau harus kita jalani. It's my blog that shared all about my live.
tapi meski kita menerima asamnya kehidupan, tetaplah senyum dan mencoba tuk menghadapi itu semua. It's my motto "Keep Smile and don't give up Before Trying" :')

Rabu, November 19, 2014

The Result of Patient..

Still on the past topic "Long Distance"..
it's the continued of two past article "Before and after" and also "Long Distance?? No Problem!!" Check this out :D

yaaaahh... Three years was left, it could be said fast time :D
Many experience, many story, and also many sadness at that time, but we could leave it..
Big lesson of this story life is how can we manage the situation, it's also caused Allah always blessing us.
Although we lost contact for some month without give information of us, one day, we didn't know what is the reason and how can.. he send a message to me, say hallo, asked the healthy and asked for anything.
Start from that time, we are always have some conversation everyday, until we are made a decision that we are started the relationship from zero, with new story and new planning.
I waited him until he went home, the time was run fast, the event that i, he, and all of the family waited is come "he went home"..
i didn't patient when wait that time,, i followed to fetch him..
when we were arrived in air port, we waited for some hour but....... the terminal is wrong, oh nooo!!!! :D
we must back to parking area to go to terminal 2.. when we were arrived in terminal2,, we didn't meet him soon, but we must search him before, more more and more patient on this situation.
Yaaaaahhh....... we met him in front of terminal with many thing that he brought.
The last i said "WELCOME HOME :D:*"

Thanks God.. You give me so many experience happy and sad in my life, You give me many lesson of life, You give me more patient to solve the problem that You give for me, although i think that the problem is to hard for me, i certain that You give me problem that is still on my ability, also You always blessing us in every situation, and the important one is "Your Big Love"...


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